I love digitizing

My first few posts here were about how challenging digitizing is and what you should think about before buying digitizing software. Those are important considerations, but I’m afraid I may have missed a really important point. I LOVE digitizing. It is an art and a science and it works with my brain. I even go […]
Digitizing embroidery designs for beginners

First, a bit of vocabulary – creating embroidery designs is a process generally called digitizing. The software you need is called digitizing software. The first thing to figure out is if this really is something you want to do. Many people get a machine and assume that they should make the designs that go on it. […]
What is digitizing OR How do I get my pictures onto my embroidery machine?

Turning pictures into a design is a process generally referred to as digitizing. There are software companies out there that advertise that you can import a picture, click a few buttons and bing bang boom – you have a design! There are even a few embroidery machines that claim you can take a picture with […]
AutoDigitizing show and tell

I was actually quite impressed by the design that the Bernina software created in my post about autodigitizing. I decided to go back and run the entire clipart set through the autodigitizer and see what happened. Some were almost ok, and some would be a massive waste of time and thread. Here they are in […]